Saturday, December 3, 2011

Greater Grace

While in Peru I have come across more things that drive me absolutely crazy, discovered things that I cannot stand, come up with many cultural things to rant about, and at the end of most days I sit back at the kitchen table and say, “Peru, I just don’t understand you.” However, when the dog bites and the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things, then I don’t feel so bad. (Note: I have not been bit by a dog or stung by a bee while in Peru, but I have had a dog pee on my foot, been sick several times, and had a translator totally mess up a class I was teaching, all of which are just as bad.) Now, the mountains of Peru do not have anything fancy like raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mitten, or brown paper packages tied up in string, but I have come to realize that it is the simple things every day here that get me through to the next.

It is chocolate de taza every Friday night.
It is walking down the road to get fresh bread.
It is Humberta’s kitchen.
It is the smell of eucalyptus.
It is when Alizee calls us “hermanas”.
It is the constant view of the snow covered mountains.
It is Emy’s laugh.
It is watching Peruvian futbol games with Felipa and Diego.
It is the walk from Utcuyacu to the bridge.
It is Jerfry’s smile.
It is Gloria’s service.
It is a hug from Dina.

These are a few of my favorite things here in Recuay and it is through these that the Lord has shown me His great grace. I may leave Peru still questioning what my purpose was here and if I accomplished anything, I may wonder if we will be remembered any more than the last group and what will happen to our ministry when we leave. However, the thing I have come to rely on most here is the grace that the Lord provides everyday. I have learned to walk in faith despite my questions, doubts, and extremely human tendencies to not rely on my heavenly Father. As I walk forward in those questions and doubts and tendencies I wake up each morning in Peru getting out of bed solely to see what new grace the Lord wants to show me each day. I have chosen to become more aware each day of the presence of God, not the absence, and I have chosen likewise to become more aware of grace than sin.

But He gives greater grace.
James 4:5

Saturday, November 26, 2011

defining, directing, and the drive

One week left and all I have are questions running laps in my mind. How is this journey going to end? What has been the purpose of me being here? What comes next? These are not only questions I have been asking myself but others have begun to ask me as well. Where do I even begin?...

     When most people go on mission trips, usually for the first time. They come back and when people ask how it was they simply respond by saying, “It was life changing!” When I went on my first overseas mission trip to Ecuador in 2009 a friend of mine said that she did not like when people (aka Christians) used this phrase. As a Christian whose life has already been changed by Christ Jesus experiences, such as mission trips, solely define who we are and what we are called to. God has given us a commission and a command and when we go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth these experiences define who we are as Christians. It is through the fulfillment of this command that we discover God’s true plan for our life and He shows us our real hearts desire.
     I am not even sure I really know what people mean when they say, “life changing”. Eating guinea pig changed my perspective on the little rats at Pet Smart. Combis have changed my view on public transportation. Living with twelve animals in my backyard has changed my view on pets. Eating rice and potatoes everyday has changed by opinion of starches. Internet cafes have changed my view on technology. All of these things are silly, but true. I do not think that my life has been changed by this journey to Peru, thus far, however, I am confident in something else. I am confident that the Lord has used this journey to Peru to define my life. He has drawn me closer to Him. He has reminded me of my calling. He has realigned my passions with his will. He has used my delight in Him to define for me the true desires of my heart.

     “So what is next?” Let me just start by saying, “How in the world am I supposed to know?” I started this journey many, many months ago when I filled out a rather long application, and prayed that the Lord’s will would be done. This journey continued when I got an email discovering that there probably was not a spot for me in the program in the fall. The journey became difficult when I found out there was a spot, and my mind had already gone to plan B. This journey became intimidating when I got on a plane and headed to Santiago, Chile, and eventually to Lima, Peru. This journey got scary when I got out of a truck on August 23rd and saw where I would be living the next four months. The same journey has brought tears, laughter, struggles, meltdowns, questions, answers, and joy. So when I say I have no idea what is next I am not lying, solely to keep a secret. I literally mean I have no idea what is next. Just like I did not know what would happen after I submitted my application, or after I got placed in Peru, or just like I did not know what would happen when I landed in Santiago or Lima, and just like I did not know what would happen after that first day in Recuay, I do not know what is going to happen when I get home. I do know, however, that my God is in control and He is completely faithful and I am satisfied with that being all I know of His plan right now. I will run in the path of His commands because He has set my heart free and He directs my every step.

   One more week in Recuay. Four more days of teaching. One more bible study in Utcuyacu. Eight more lunches at Humberta’s. Three more showers in the mountains. Two more loads of laundry by hand. Ten more nights in my hard wood plank bed. One more movie night on our couch. Two more trips to Huaraz. I find the drive to keep going for one more week in the truth of His word that is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey from the comb. I move forward knowing that it is in Him that I live and move and have my being. Mostly, however, the drive comes from knowing that the Lord’s work in me is not over. He who began a good work in me has promised to carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. My journey does not end in Peru. My journey only defines, directs, and drives me to more journeys, more experiences, more sufferings, and more joy until the day of Christ Jesus.  

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

Saturday, November 19, 2011

one hundred.

Today is day number one hundred in South America so I thought I would do a little celebrating by posting one hundred observations I have had since being here, some serious, some funny, and some just plain ridiculous. (Yes, there really are one hundred observations; this blog is not for the faint of heart.)

1. Showers are not necessary everyday when living in the mountains.
2. Peruvians have a ridiculous sweet tooth.
3. Toilet seats do not exist in most bathrooms here.
4. Working and living with a translator is one of the biggest challenges.
5. Everyone here eats desert (postre) with a spoon, cake; pie all eaten with a spoon.
6. Laundry in rainy season never dries.
7. Mazamorra of any flavor is not good.
8. The word “bored” is not God glorifying.
9. “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5
10. Bull fights would totally cause a riot in the United States, but makes the list of one of the best cultural experiences I have had.
11. God gives greater grace everyday. (James 4:6)
12. Discipline is simply a demonstration of God’s love for me.
13. I have been given a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
14. Cow stomach really has no taste.
15. It smells like eucalyptus everywhere I go.
16. Having a deer live in your backyard is not as bad as first anticipated.
17. Walking outside to the bathroom at random hours of the night is still not fun.
18. Breathing at 11,000ft has become like normal, but if we gain any altitude at all breathing becomes all the harder.
19. An 8:00pm bedtime is not looked down upon when you have to wake up at 6:30am.
20. Potatoes are a big deal here.
21. Stepping in various kinds of manure daily is not a big deal. (Cow, pig, horse, dog, cat, donkey, chicken, sheep, etc)
22. Just because there is school scheduled for the week does not mean that any of the teachers will show up to teach.
23. World Vision is doing a lot of work here in the surrounding towns. The program sponsors the majority of families here.
24. English is a very hard language and if it were not my first language I probably would not have the motivation to learn it.
25. Having a dog pee on my foot, inside my house, did not faze me as much as I thought it would.
26. The world stops here in Peru when there is a soccer game on TV.
27. God’s plan for the way I spend my time is much better than my own.
28. The Lord has been very gracious to my taste buds while in country. I eat tomatoes and carrots almost everyday and I am starting to drink tea, these are things I do not do in the states.
29. Being sick in a foreign country is one of the worst things ever.
30. Friday night movie nights with popcorn and hot chocolate on our homemade couch are my favorite.
31. The quote, “someday it is going to start raining and it is not going to stop” hangs over our heads daily.
32. Standing on top of a mountain at 16,000ft+ makes one feel very small.
33. There are more than 2,000 kinds of potatoes grown in Peru; most of them, however, have very unoriginal names. (White potato, yellow potato, etc.)
34. Chocolate covered saltine crackers may be the best idea Peru ever had.
35. If you happen to slip up on thoroughly washing your fruits or vegetables from the market you will definitely know first thing the next morning.
36. The best flavor of Kris is definitely kiwi apple.
37. I still do not understand why if Peruvians are so short the sidewalks in Huaraz are so tall.
38. Alpaca fur is much softer than llama fur.
39. Always lean to the left when greeting or saying goodbye to someone in order to avoid a very awkward encounter.
40. Reaching across the dinner table to get something is not considered impolite for a Peruvian.
41. If you get sick in any way it is guaranteed a Peruvian is going to try and make you drink a hot beverage, most likely tea.
42. American DVDs are super cheap to buy here. (I bought four dvds for 25 soles the other day, which is close to $8)
43. The metric system is difficult to adjust to.
44. In the mountains they come up with any excuse to have a festival.
45. My favorite excuse for not having school was and I quote, “The students are washing their hands in the plaza.”
46. Inca Kola tastes like bubble gum.
47. I enjoy seeing people’s shocked faces when I tell them I live in Peru.
48. Taking a shower with a family of spiders is a normal thing.
49. You cannot throw your toilet paper in the toilet. That is what the trashcan next to the toilet is for.
50. Email is the new snail mail.
51. The Lord is everywhere and everything is His.
52. “Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do no oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other.” Zechariah 7:9-10
53. Napkins are one square and one ply.
54. The Lord is glorified through my weakness.
55. When you delight yourself in the Lord He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
56. 2.70 soles = $1
57. Beverages are served either with your meal, after you are done eating or sometimes not unless requested.
58. If you ask for ice in your beverage they will look at you are very strange and probably think that you are going to get sick.
59. God has saved me and called me to a holy calling- not because of anything I have done but because of His own purpose and grace. (2 Timothy 1:9)
60. People who live in Lima have probably never seen lightning or heard thunder in their whole lives, therefore, when they come to the mountains and there is a thunderstorm they freak out and think the world is going to end.
61. Peruvians constantly speak at a low whisper.
62. If a Peruvian is talking on a cell phone they will yell loud enough for the whole town to hear.
63. A life that is unpredictable, spontaneous, and full of risks brings such great joy and grace.
64. I do not particularly enjoy watching the head of my chicken get cut off seconds before buying it.
65. All yogurt is drinkable.
66. When you tell kids to raise their hand to answer a question that does not mean they are going to wait until you call on them to answer. The exact opposite is true; they will all raise their hands while simultaneously yelling the answer.
67. There is such a thing as eating too much rice.
68. You quickly lose any pride you ever had when you say something wrong in Spanish to a native.
69. No car, kombi, or taxi would ever pass an emission test in the States.
70. Working and living with the same person for three plus months is difficult and often very trying.
71. There are only so many ways to get comfortable on a bed with a wood plank running though the middle of your back.
72. Things like a microwave, a bath mat, and sharp kitchen knives are big luxuries.
73. Peanut butter is very expensive here.
74. Peruvians love volleyball.
75. I am so thankful the Lord knows exactly what I need when I need it.
76. When eating out you must flag your waiter down and request your bill. They will not bring it to you, nor stand over you and wait for you to leave, no matter how long you have been there.
77. Every country in Latin America thinks their Spanish is the best.
78. When using a gas stove you never know when you are about to run out of gas, therefore, running out in the middle of cooking dinner is a likely possibility.
79. Pedestrians do not have the right of way.
80. Killing a spider before bed and first thing in the morning is now part of my daily routine.
81. There is no such thing as prepackaged food.
82. I thought Spanish was hard until I tried to learn Quechua.
83. Guinea pig (cuy) tastes like chicken.
84. Holiness is what I long for, holiness is what I need, and holiness is what the Lord wants for me.
85. Most measure distance in blocks.
86. All coffee is instant.
87. God is my Father and He loves me as a child, providing only that which is best for me.
88. Peruvians only buy things on an as needed basis. (Ex. If they get sick they will go to the store and buy medicine, but they will only buy one pill. If they are sick the next day they will go to the store again and buy another pill.)
89. Eating pasta, rice, and potatoes all in one meal is too much starch for one American to handle.
90. You cannot let anyone look down on your solely because you are young, but you must strive to set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)
91. The only way to make popcorn is on the stove.
92. Instead of buying wood by the truckload, like in the states, they buy it by how much one donkey can carry.
93. Almost all Peruvian cell phones are prepaid phones. Peruvians only put a few minutes on their phone at a time. They work really hard to make phone conversations under a minute, as to not waste their minutes.
94. Rabbit tastes like chicken as well, just a little bit tougher.
95. Utcuyacu is my favorite place to go during the week and the thirty-minute walk to the highway brings so much clarity and perspective to my life and ministry here.
96. Spanish computer keyboards seem normal until you start to type.
97. Always, always, always carry an umbrella or rain jacket with you during rainy season, even if it looks like it is going to be sunny all day.
98. The Lord has given me a great gift in the Holy Spirit and I am thankful that He goes with me wherever I go.
99. Wood plank, dirt floors, are never clean.
100. God’s plan was sovereign in bringing me to Peru and His plan is still sovereign as I finish my journey here and get ready to move on from this place into the next season of my calling as His servant. 

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for while Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do no consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14

Sunday, November 13, 2011

a Lima vacation

Most days we live by the motto: "When in Peru do as the Peruvians." This week we decided to go with the motto: "When in Peru do as the tourists do."

Friday: San Franciscan Catacombs, Presidential Palace, San Cristobal Hill, Plaza de Armas, and Secret Church.

Tuesday: China Town, Inquisition Museum, Peruvian food museum, La Merced, San Martin Plaza, and saw the sunset as we walked home through Larcomar and Love Park.

Wednesday: Huaca Pucllana

Friday: Museo de arte de Lima and Museo de arte Italiano

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Traveling Prayers

This week is a short week for us here in the mountains. All the schools have a long weekend because Tuesday is a holiday (Dia de los Muertos- Day of the Dead). As a result we will only be teaching on Wednesday at Javier and then on Thursday we are jumping on a bus and heading to Lima. Becca’s church is coming to work with the people groups they have adopted here and I am going to stay in Lima and hang out with the Hands On girls there. Both Becca and I are looking forward to this time away and some time with family and friends. It is becoming harder and harder to leave Recuay, this place we now call home, because time is starting to really move fast. When we get back from Lima we will only have three full weeks left here in Recuay, before going to Lima again and then on to Chile. So as we prepare for a short week, look forward to a trip to Lima and think about how much time we have left I am humbled to the point of prayer and ask you to join me.

-Pray for the kids at both Javier and Utcuyacu that they would remember the things we have taught them up till now and practice their English while we are gone.
-Pray for the ladies in Utcuyacu that we meet with each Friday that they would continue to meet together to encourage and share with one another on the two Fridays we will not be with them.
-Pray for the family of Ocunan that they would begin to utilize the bibles we gave them. Also pray that the rain would continue to come so that their field would be wet enough to plant their crops, because without their crops this family of eleven does not eat.
-Pray for Becca, her family, and her church as they head out to another part of Peru to minister for the week.
-Pray that while we are away both Becca and I will be refreshed and get to spend a significant amount of time in the Word and in prayer reflecting on our time already spent here and the time we have left. Pray that the Lord would continue to reveal to us pieces of His perfect plan in bringing us here.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:17b-19

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Necesito más de ti

A couple Sundays ago we attended a small church in Recuay and at one point the pastor lead the congregation in a song that repeated the words, “Necesito más de ti” over and over. These words really stuck with me and as I sat in church meditating on them I realized that over the last eight, almost nine, weeks I have prayed these words many times, in English of course. 

When we show up to Javier and our class is not there and I am quick to get frustrated I pray, “God, I need more of you.” When I lead bible study and the point I want to get across does not get translated correctly I take a deep breath and I pray, “God, I need more of you.” When we show up to lead bible study and all the ladies are in the next town over and I begin to wonder if we are supposed to keep coming I pray, “God, I need more of you.” When we are thirty minutes late for teaching in Utcuyacu and I begin to think we should not even waste the time teaching today I pray, “God, I need more of you.” When I sit at the kitchen table in the morning over my bowl of oatmeal I pray, “God, I need more of you.” I have been blessed with the amount of time I have to spend with the Lord, relearning what His voice sounds like. But the more time I spend listening to the Lord the more I realize how much more I need Him. The more time I spend with Him the more I long for more time with Him. I am learning that I need less of myself everyday and I need more and more of Him. The only way that I am going to make it through the next seven weeks here is through the strength that the Lord provides through the Holy Spirit, His word, and the faithful prayer of  “Dios, yo necesito más de ti”.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous.”
Psalm 19:7-9

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Esta es mi vida.

I have been in South America for over two months now, and this coming week will mark two months in Peru and Recuay. I have decided that it is time for just a plain ole update on life, ministry, and current happenings here in Recuay. This is my life…

We teach every (and by every I mean most) Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Javier. I say most because we are supposed to teach every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, but we have yet to teach two weeks without our schedule being interrupted by random things like a festival; a medical clinic; or a volleyball tournament; or our latest favorite, students washing their hands in the plaza. Currently at Javier we just finished up a lesson with all six grades on numbers and the story of Jesus’ birth. Next week we will begin to teach the alphabet and one of the miracles Jesus performed. We also just found out on Friday that the principal wants us to start teaching three hours (four classes) every time we come, instead of just one hour (two classes). This is truly an answer to prayer.

Fifth grade A

We teach Mondays and Thursday at Utcuyacu. Our teaching schedule here has been much more consistent and we have only missed one or two days for a festival and a strike blocking the road lead by the agriculturalists of the town. We are still teaching commands from the bible for our bible lesson each week and our English lessons are still going really well. In my class of third through sixth graders we are beginning to learn new vocabulary (up to this point we have mostly reviewed the stuff they already knew), and I am beginning to slowly teach them some verbs. 

My wonderful class of 3rd-6th graders
We walk across the river to the town of Ocunan every Tuesday afternoon to hang out with a family and lead the mom and the oldest daughter of the family in a study of scripture. This family is really fun to hang out with. There are nine kids in the family, five girls and four boys, all under the age of eighteen. The dad is pretty much a bum, I have yet to see him, and we are told that he is always off drinking. What is interesting about this family is that most days they make less than a dollar a day, but all of the kids under the age of twelve are sponsored by World Vision. Becca and I are really enjoying the opportunity we have to hang out with and encourage this family each week. Each week we are studying different Psalms together, so far we have done Psalm 139, 23, and 1. 

Every Friday afternoon we travel to Utcuyacu to lead the ladies of that community in bible study as well. Currently Becca and I are switching off leading the bible study and playing with the kids. I really love leading these ladies in studying the Word because most of them are so hungry for it. Having another opportunity to hang out with these kids is also a great thing because we have most of them in class on Mondays and Thursdays as well. Together we have studied the first two chapters of Romans, Psalm 1, Psalm 23, and Ephesians 1 and 2. 

On top of all of this we have found many other ways to fill our free time. We spend a lot of time at Humberta’s hanging out in her kitchen, watching her cook, chatting about ministry and life in Recuay, and learning new recipes. We also do a lot of reading, journaling, and listening to podcasts from the states. Lately we have been doing things such as watching the Peru vs. Chile soccer game with the family we live with, walking up big hills in Recuay just to get a better view of the town, watching movies on our homemade couch (extra mattress and blankets), and going on hiking adventures with Tommy on the weekends. 

Waiting for lunch at Humberta's
Hanging out watching Humberta cook.

Life here is anything just consistent, but I am beginning to find the beauty of God’s plan is not just in this season or semester of my life, but it is in every minute of everyday.
Turn my heart toward your statutes
and not toward selfish gain.
Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
Preserve my life according to your word.
Psalm 119:36-37


Saturday, October 8, 2011


It seems that I always learn things when I am preparing and teaching lessons at Utcuyacu. This past Thursday my English lesson for my class was on fruits, vegetables, and some verbs that go along with food, like to eat; to drink; to grow; to buy. I coordinated this English lesson with the Bible lesson we had been planning for a while. We have been teaching different commands, but this week we decided to teach our students about the fruit of the Spirit. We have been talking about so many commands and laws from the Bible we decided this week it would be a nice switch to talk about things in which there is no law. Instead we got to spend time explaining these fruits and encouraging our students. We got to explain that if they follow the commandments found in the Bible they will begin to produce fruit in their life. We made the clarification that they will not produce things like apples, oranges, mangos, papayas, grapes, or bananas, but they will produce fruit of the Spirit, characteristics of God. What great news it is to know that against such things as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control there is now law.

Fruit is something I have been thinking about a lot lately; because it is something we have not seen a lot of since being here in Recuay. Now, do not misunderstand me, we see lots of bananas, oranges, apples, papayas, and passion fruit, but we have not seen a lot of fruit from our ministry. Fruit is something we have honestly been praying for. We want to see fruit in the lives of the ladies we do Bible study with weekly. We want to see fruit in our own lives as we live life here in Recuay and seek the Lord in everything we do. We want to see fruit from our teaching at Javier, we want to know that it is not just wasted time. (When you walk into a class with no teacher and the kids sit and listen to a whole Bible story then look you in the face and tell you they were not listening you begin to wonder.)

One thing I am learning and reminded of everyday is that the Lord does not promise that I will see the fruit of my ministry here on this earth. But He does give me some great promises.
“If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:9b-11

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11

So, even though I may not see the fruit of our ministry here in Recuay here on this earth I will find my delight in the law of the LORD. On his law I will meditate day and night that I might be like a tree that is planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. How sweet is the promised fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Fruit that comes when we live a life surrendered to Christ. Fruit against which there is no law.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Exactly What I Need

This past weekend Becca, Carmen, and I went with Tommy on a hiking adventure. We went to a place called Laguna Llaca, which is only an hour outside of Huaraz. It was absolutely beautiful and a pretty easy hike, exactly what I needed. We stood on a glacier, went in an ice cave, and heard an avalanche.

When we planned and set out on this adventure I did not know how much I would need it. Pretty early into the trip, however, I discovered that it was just what I needed. I needed some fresh air, and some new scenery. I need to spend the night away from Recuay. I needed to see and explore some of the beauty of Peru. I needed a fresh perspective. I needed to feel small next to the mountains. I needed some good laughs and some good conversation. I needed a reminder that I serve a sovereign God. I needed a reminder that I am exactly where God wants me. I am thankful that I serve a God who knows exactly what I need even when I do not.

The LORD is gracious and righteous;
our God is full of compassion.
The LORD protects the simplehearted;
when I was in great need, he saved me.
Be at rest once more, O my soul.
for the LORD has been good to you.
Psalm 116:5-7

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learning to Love

The last two weeks at Utcuyacu Becca and I have been teaching the kids commandments from the Bible on Mondays and stories from the Bible that demonstrate those commands on Thursdays. We decided that the only place to start was with the greatest commandment, and then move on to the second greatest commandment, for Jesus tells us that “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” These lessons have got me thinking about the word “love” a lot. Becca and I are teaching these kids at Utcuyacu how the Bible tells us to love, but often I wonder if I am loving in the same capacity Jesus did and commands us to.

Since being in Peru I have had many people ask me variations of the same question, “Do you just love it there?” My response has often taken me a little longer than one might think, and lately I have been responding with, “I am learning to love it.” It has not been a “love at first sight” experience for me, but I am learning to love Peru. I see God’s grace everyday as He pours out more love on me. As a result of His love and grace I am learning to love Him, His people, this place, this season, and His plan.

I do not love waking up at 4am only to walk outside to go to the bathroom.
I do not love taking a warmish shower only sometimes twice a week.
I do not love spiders in my bedroom.
I do not love washing my clothes by hand.
I do not love when dogs pee on my feet.
I do not love being whistled at while walking down the street.
I do not love teaching English to rowdy first graders.
I do not love not being able to communicate with anyone I see.
I do not love consistently being late for things.
I do not love how long it takes for water to boil at 11,000ft.
I do not love living out of a suitcase.
I do not love the smell as I walk through the meat market in Huaraz.
I do not love when class is cancelled without any notice.
I do not love stepping in cow manure on the way to school.

But I am learning to love….

I am learning to love eating rice and potatoes three times a day.
I am learning to love a lot of extra free time.
I am learning to love the twelve animals that live in my backyard.
I am learning to love walking everywhere I go.
I am learning to love going to the market almost everyday.
I am learning to love riding the komby.
I am learning to love the hats and skirts all the women here wear.  
I am learning to love that Peruvians greet everyone they see.
I am learning to love washing all our produce.
I am learning to love being called a griega.
I am learning to love just sitting outside and starring at the mountains.
I am learning to love only getting online twice a week.
I am learning to love the little neighbor girls that randomly knock on our door.
I am learning to love Dina who own the store down the road.
I am learning to love Humberta’s adventurous spirit.
I am learning to love the construction workers that eat at Humberta’s everyday.
I am learning to love random festivals in town.
I am learning to love Gloria who serves us lunch everyday.
I am learning to love the families in Utcuyacu.
I am learning to love my eleven third through sixth graders at Utcuyacu.
I am learning to love all the students at Javier.

Thank you Lord for teaching more about your love each day. Lord thank You for first loving me. Let all my love for You and for others only be an overflow of the love You are pouring out on me. Lord thank you for a love that never fails, overwhelms yet satisfies; a love that is stronger and higher, a love that is patient, kind, and humble. Father thank you for a love that set me free, keeps no record of wrongs, and works all things together for my good.

Jesus le dijo: “Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazon, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente. Este es el grande y el primero mandamiento. Y el segundo es semejante: Amaras a tu projimo como a ti mismo.”
Mateo 22:37-39

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hot chocolate thoughts.

It has been a while since I have posted, but things south of the equator are still going well. This weekend will mark being in South America for one month, and Tuesday will mark three weeks living in Recuay. You would think this might be the part where I say something like, “Time is flying by, I can’t believe I have already been here a month!”, but that statement is not true. Honestly the last three weeks here in Recuay have gone by at an incredibly slow pace. We are just now beginning to see things pick up. It has taken quite a while to fall into a routine here, but I think we are beginning to find one.

Things are always subject to change, but this is what we are finding ourselves busy doing. We are teaching English and Bible five days a week. We teach at a school in town, called Javier, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Over the next several weeks we will rotate each day we go seeing first through sixth graders.  We visit two classes each day for twenty-five minutes each. (Ex. Tuesday: 1st grade A and 1st grade B, Wednesday: 2nd grade A and 2nd grade B, etc) This means that we will only get to see each class at Javier five to six times the whole twelve weeks we are here. We are also teaching in a town twenty minutes away, called Utcuyacu, every Monday and Thursday. This school is very small and Becca and I each have our own class for an hour each day. Becca teaches a class of about six first and second graders and I teach a class of about eleven third through sixth graders. In addition to our daily teaching schedule we cross the river, behind our house, every Tuesday afternoon to visit and have bible study with a couple families in the town of Ocunan.  Also on Friday afternoons we travel back to Utcuyacu to spend time with the families of the community doing bible study and playing with the children.

When reading this you might think this is a packed full schedule, however, we have come to realize that it is really not that packed. Even with lunch every day at Humberta’s, trips to the market and internet café, walking several miles every place we go, and doing random daily tasks like cooking and washing clothes by hand we still seem to have a lot of time on our hands. A lot of time to do things such as read, journal, memorize scripture, think, talk, drink hot chocolate, and play the occasional Spanish card game. *Hints the reason for the title “Hot chocolate thoughts”. 

Hot chocolate has quickly become one of our favorite things here in Recuay.  There are many reasons for this. One is that on a cold night as we huddle in the kitchen after dinner hot chocolate is one thing that keeps us warm. Two the way you make hot chocolate here is extremely fun, and very tasty. (They use this special chocolate bar that is very rich and full of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Melted in sugar water with evaporated milk, you just cannot go wrong.) Three sitting around the kitchen table drinking hot chocolate brings lots of great conversation, Spanish card games, and lessons from the Lord.

A recent lesson the Lord has been teaching me through many cups of hot chocolate and many intent looks into His perfect law is concerning all this free/down time we have had the last couple of weeks.  I few days ago I found myself using the word “bored” a lot, like several times a day. This was all due to the fact that I spend hours a day reading and journaling and just sitting around. This lack of a schedule was becoming monotonous and I found myself not knowing what to do with all this extra time. A few days after I made this discovery about the word “bored”. It dawned on me that this word and feeling is totally not from the Lord. I have become convinced that at the beginning of time when the Lord created and ordained everything in creation the word “bored” was not on his mind. So instead of sitting around thinking about how bored I am and what things I have not done since being here in South America I began to think and recount what I have been able to do.

-I have been able to spend more time in the Word listening to the Lord’s voice than I ever have.
-I have been able to catch-up and continue my goal of reading the Bible through this year.
-I have begun another season of memorizing a significant amount of scripture.
-I have spent time reading books and listening to sermons by people who are wiser than me.
-I have greatly increased the vitality my prayer life.
-I have learned apart from TV, internet, friends, and family, to rely on the Lord in every circumstance.
- I have learned to be content in this new place, for this new season, trusting the Lord’s plan is bigger than my eyes can see.

So I am counting these past few weeks of “boredom” as a gift from the Lord. A free gift He did not have to give me, but one He chose to give me solely out of His grace and love for me. These moments have been a great opportunity to dive into God’s Word and discover great and marvelous things about Him. Despite the work and ministry I have the opportunity to do here in Recuay over the next three months I am looking forward to taking every moment, the Lord gives me, captive. Being transformed by the renewing my mind, so that I will be able to discern what God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will is.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Day In The Life

Here is a small, yet very detailed, picture of what our days have looked like since being in Recuay. Most days since being here have looked very different. This is an account of what our Friday looked liked.

8:00am- Wake up. *An hour before the alarm goes off because we went to bed at 9:30pm the night before.
8:10am- Put on shoes and sweatshirt to walk outside to the bathroom.
8:15am- Make coffee. (It is probably going to be a long day)
8:20-9:00am- Eat breakfast and spend time with the Lord.
9:00am- Begin preparing to take a shower.
9:15-9:35am- Shower. (Little water pressure makes washing your hair a long process.)
9:40-10:00am- Get dressed and stand in the sun to try and regain warmth.
10:00-10:15am- Walk to the market
10:15-10:45am- Buy fruits and veggies for dinner.
10:45-11:00am- Walk home with groceries.
11:00-11:25am- Wash and put away food.
11:30-12:00pm- Sit around the kitchen table and chat about the day.
12:00-12:30pm- Sit on the back “patio” in the sun and read.
12:45-1:00pm- Walk to Humberta’s for lunch
1:00-2:00pm- Eat lunch. (Aguadito de pollo, lentils, rice, chicken, apple cake, and agua de maracuya)
2:00-2:15pm- Walk back home.
2:15-3:00pm- Read, journal, stare at the wall.
3:00-3:20pm- Wait for Humberta to come with a Komby. *public transportation
3:25-4:00pm- Travel to Utcuyacu. (For a bible study that was supposed to start at 3:00pm)
4:15-4:30pm- Play volleyball with kids of the community.
4:30-5:00pm- Bible study with ladies of the community.
5:00-6:00pm- Travel back to Recuay. (Via foot, taxi, and komby)
6:00-6:30pm- Recount the day, think about tomorrow, plan dinner.
6:30-7:00pm- Cook dinner.
7:00-7:30pm- Eat dinner.
7:30-8:00pm- Clean up and practice Spanish.
8:00-9:00pm- Sit around the kitchen table (because the kitchen if still warm from cooking) doing random things like, talking, reading, journaling, and making a grocery list.
9:00-9:30pm- Brush teeth, put on warm clothes, and get in bed. (The sun has been down for nearly three hours)

Next week will hopefully provide more structure and an actual schedule. Wednesday we will begin teaching in the schools. Tuesdays , Wednesdays, and Fridays we will teach English and Bible at Javier for an hour, and Mondays and Thursdays we will do the same at Utcuyacu. We have visited both of these schools this week and both the teachers and the students are very excited for us to begin coming on a regular basis. Friday afternoons we will also be going to Utcuyacu to lead a bible study with some of the ladies in the community. We went yesterday to meet them for the first time and they all seem very hungry for the word. It is likely we will also be planning something for the children at the same time, because they just roamed and played about as we did bible study with the ladies.

Today as we walked to get a taxi we met two little girls who live near us. They immediately knew who we were because the missionaries from the summer had told them we were going to be here for four months. They were very bright. They sang us several songs the summer missionaries taught them and told us how about how they had bible study every Monday night this summer in the house we are living in, with about fifteen other kids. We are hopefully going to meet these other kids on Monday and maybe begin to make plans to carry on this bible study for the next four months.

Things you can join us in praying for: boldness as we meet new people every day, courage to speak and learn a new language, wisdom and discernment as we discover our purpose in ministry in this new place.

Lindsay and I in front of my house before they left to go back to Lima
The beautiful mountains from Utcuyacu

My backyard

Exalt the LORD our God;
bow in worship at His footstool.
He is holy.
Psalm 99:5